The projecting wire creates visual interest against the blurred, chaotic background. There is an openness or ambiguity to this photograph in which meaning is not fixed.

The numerous and varied things that people leave behind for others to see or come across interests me. Telelephone poles full of stickers, flyers, etc. can be understood or 'read' as public messages communicating with whoever encounters them. The vast amount of staples points to the volume of messages that have been displayed and removed over time. There is a sense of process, communication and perhaps community.

Each of these photographs consists of something left behind or abandoned by someone. This photograph was taken in an alley near a house that had been evicted. Furniture, plates, notebooks, clothes, toys, and family photographs were left behind. Entering this space and then photographing the discarded objects was emotional and disturbing yet lovely in a really strange way that is not easy to explain.
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